Thursday, January 26, 2017

THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!!! January 26, 2017

With less than 24 hours before we depart for India, I wanted to personally thank a couple of folks who have been so generous to our ROTARY DREAM TEAM - INDIA 2017

First is Bruce Lamb of Springvale Hardware in Springvale, Maine (True Value Hardware) who for the past ten years has always been willing to provide me with sufficient number of work gloves for our team members and some of the local workers.  As I have told Bruce before, when we leave the work project, these gloves seem to be one of the most coveted items we can share with our local counterparts!  Thanks again, Bruce!

Next, I want to thank Charles P. Lape (aka CHIP) who is a Senior Loan Officer from EMBRACE HOME LOANS.  He and I have been friends for over fifty years ( with a bit of a forty year gap in the middle) and recently he and I were talking about the upcoming trip to India.  I told him we would be visiting a place called KOSHISH (Hindi meaning of AN ATTEMPT). The Rotary Club of Delhi-Megapolis, with whom we have been collaborating on various projects for years, have adopted this project on the outskirts of Delhi.  The program provides one meal a day and education to children of transient workers who live and work on the dump.  The survive and live and work on waste.  These little children are not allowed to attend government schools, because there is no way to count them in a census, since they have no permanent address.  Since R.C. Delhi-Megapolis adopted this project, literally hundreds of children have received basic education.  Furthermore, the Rotarians have made an arrangement such that when a child finishes the sixth grade at KOSHISH, they can then apply to attend government schools, using the address for KOSHISH as their permanent address.
Chip told the CEO of EMBRACE HOME LOANS about our mission and within less than a week, provided me with some 300 simple back-packs to give to each child currently enrolled at KOSHISH.
Thanks so much, Chip and EMBRACE for  your support and generosity.

Now the REAL challenge is to go home in a few minutes and begin packing all of these things in my roller duffle and suitcase!!!

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